lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

Hate Crimes in Argentina, Law Grrls Excitement and Jornadas de Mujer

Today has been a very exciting day in my life. First and foremost, IntLawGrrls blogged about the Nicaragua abortion case and cited the press release of Women's Link Worldwide. In this case the Inter American Commission ordered that Nicaragua had to take interim measures to save the life of 'Amalia', a pregnant woman with cancer who was refused an abortion and cancer treatment in Nicaragua. Check out the posting here:

Secondly, I accompanied my boss to talk about Women's Link at the compultense in Madrid in the Jornadas de Mujer where we spoke about what we do. This was rather random but it was rather apt since today the nominations close for the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards!!! This means now that its just about voting for the best and worst gender justice decisions. There's a public vote and a vote of the jury. I can't wait to start getting the videos together!

Thirdly, its exciting because there's a festival in Madrid at the moment called Ellas Crean 2010 and as a part of this I'm going to see Luz Casal in concert. The festival is a celebration of music, theatre, dance, art etc all created by women! Check out the video clip featured in High Heels the Almodovar movie.

Fourthly, tomorrow I might go to a feminist meeting/conference thing on alternative ways to think about the crisis from an anti-capitalist, environmental, feminist perspective. wow!

Finally, some sad news. I read today that in Argentina a woman was shot to death by her girlfriend's step father for being a lesbian. Hate crime based on gender and sexual orientation. You can read more in Spanish here:

Ok this hasn't been much about international law but there goes.

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